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A New You in 60 Seconds

One thing I've learned about positive change is that it doesn't have to "take all day".  All that's required to do and be better is a made-up mind.  The "A New You In 60 Seconds" series is a practical catalyst for positive life changes.  


Sometimes, you just need to take a life lesson for what it's worth.  No analyzing, no self-loathing, no regrets or wishing things were different.  Just accepting and trusting that no matter how the lesson is dished out or served, it is tailor-made just for you.  And since it's for you, certain things are crafted with you in mind and certain people are supposed to play a part.  Even when you are uncertain of the role they're meant to play, recognize first and foremost that they have value and they are important to your journey...then coast with them in harmony.


Sometimes, you need to be okay with the hand you're dealt.  It's yours so own everything about it.  Play your hand with confidence and know that no matter what others have, yours is undoubtedly a winning hand.  You have what it takes and are already equipped with everything you need to prosper, overcome and win! Spending your precious time wishing for mo' better could be an exercise in futility and produce nothing more than an endless loop of ungrateful unrest.  To those who are never satisfied with what they have, mo' better never, ever, ever comes and usually leads to mo' drama, mo' strife and mo' bitterness.


Sometimes, when people want to love you, let them.  When they want to show you that they care, embrace them.  When they want to help, step aside and allow them to bless you.  By allowing others to sow positively into your life (by any measure) you ignite the law of reciprocity.  The next time you find yourself wanting to love, care for and help someone, you'll appreciate the acceptance of your gifts.


Sometimes, regardless of how you feel, you need to sit back and just be thankful for the good things in your life.  Things may not be perfect, but God never said they would be - there's no need to be caught off guard by adversity.  What He did say is that He will be with you always.  He says He has a specific plan for you and that plan is to prosper you and to give you hope and a good future.  What is life without hope? What is 'today' without a  little excitement for the joy that 'tomorrow' brings?  Stop trying to figure things out - it's not a part of your job description.  Simply receive God's promises, accept His timing and live your life like the blessing it was created to be. 


Even when weeping endures, the sun is still shining somewhere and it's only a matter of time before its rays warm your life...again.  Today's valleys are no match for yesterday and tomorrow's mountaintop so dance in that valley and faint not!  Close your eyes and imagine yourself as your best self!  Separate yourself from chaos and strife.  See yourself free - you already are!!!


God's plan for you is greater than anything you can imagine!  He has you covered in grace, mercy and love always!  You are a chosen vessel and when you tap into His flow, the possibilities are endless!

While They're Getting Good Sleep

While they're getting good sleep does your home need repair?

Is your door of love broken and in need of some care?

Is your table of forgiveness leaning hard to one side

while your filters are clogged with the dust mites of pride?



While that person is off and getting good sleep

assess your life and find good company to keep.

Do your friends mirror your values or share similar views?

Do they know what it means to walk a mile in your shoes?

Do they pray and support, lift you up when you're down

or passively sit and wait for you to come 'round?


Do you find their path ends when YOU are in need?

or do they build a good bridge to help you succeed?



However you answer, only one thing is true;

You must let God's love be the thing that guides you.

For it's really not about who did what and who's who.

It's about how HIS love shines and is demonstrated through you.


Be the beacon of great light that you were created to be!

Don't do it for man, do it so God gets the glory.

In the end it matters most that you lived and lived right

So let them win the argument, it was never really your fight!


You've got so many things for which to be grateful

instead of wasting your inheritance on being mean and hateful.

Who cares what they did and who they did it to.

Do you really think the only person they hurt is you?

It's a cycle, you don't get caught up in it.

Some call life a game; if that's the case...WIN IT!


While they're getting good sleep, don't you think you should too?

And focus on how good the Lord has been to you?

Show them what it means to be a true queen.

Let joy lead the way when you enter the scene.


Let cheerfulness guide and confidence succeed it.

No need to be rude, callous or conceited.

Who cares about your clothes or the cost of your shoes,

   the size of your ring or the house that you choose?


At the end of the day are you happy inside

or do you recount your steps and want to go hide

'cause you didn't use your tongue to lift someone up? 


 If His blessings are flowing, girlfriend...make sure they reach your cup! 

This is Your Third Item

While sitting at work one day, I heard some hustle and bustle at the window right ouside my office.  Curiousity got the best of me and as I looked past the figures gathered at the window, I saw the most beautiful rainbow in my view.  It was expansive and majestic.  I hurried to my purse and in no time at all, I had my phone in my hand; preparing to take a photo of this awesome sight.


As I fumbled with my phone's settings; preparing to capture the "perfect picture", I glanced up and the beautiful rainbow was gone - just like that!  In a moment (it couldn't have been any longer than 5 seconds) the clouds moved in and covered it completely.  The instant euphoria I felt was also gone....trapped behind those clouds.


This was a keen reminder that each moment is a gift and now is only nowuntil the next second comes and makes it a part of our past.  There's nothing we can do to get it back.  Time is the one thing we crave more of, but cannot redeem.  There are no do-overs.  When a time has passed; it's gone forever.


There it was...another truth.  And I had to face it.  Let me share what I learned with you:


Some beauty isn't meant to last forever.  It is meant to be cherished and valued when it is in our midst.  It is the appreciation of it that allows it to continue to exist.  Sometimes, this beauty comes to us in the form of a rainbow.  Sometimes, it is in the form of a compassionate friend who lights our world with their presence.  Sometimes, it comes as the epiphany or lesson during our life's roughest and most painful times.  No matter how it comes or the form it still comes.  It's up to us to realize the value of those encounters and pause long enough to simply enjoy them.


What a travesty it is when that beauty finds us and we neglect, abandon or abuse it.  Don't be so quick to dismiss people.  God is the Master Orchestrator and you never ever know how many of the eggs in someone else's basket were created to enrich you in some way. 


I'll tell you one thing; the next time I see a rainbow, I won't be in such a hurry to get my camera.  I will take it all in and allow my natural lens to capture a picture that my mind will recall for years and years.  Maybe I'll count its colors; naming them as I go... or even look for the proverbial pot of gold.  Shucks, I may just let my imagination run free and wave to the little leprechaun as he mills around.  Whatever I do, I will appreciate that moment for as long as it's meant to stay.


Special moments are fleeting...I guess that's why they're called special. A holiday weekend is upon us (July 4, 2011).  Invite a friend over, spend some time with family, mend a fence or two or invest some time simply being grateful for who you are and what you have right at this very moment.  Worry not about tomorrow.  Be glad for today.  Enjoy your now.



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