Don't just be good to the people who are good to you. Be good to EVERYONE!! The people who aren't good to you need to see the goodness in you DEMONSTRATED! They need to see the power of a calm, assured and undeterred spirit. They need to see what maturity looks like and how it allows you to navigate the conflict they initiate with you. Through you, they may come to understand how powerful and effective self-control can be amidst circumstances that dictate a more erratic response. Don't give in to the temptation to act like them or mirror their intensity. Just be consistent. Your consistency gives them clarity into your character (Ooooh wheee!!!) Your consistency is how they come to know the value you place on your joy and the boundaries you've set to maintain your peace of mind.
As you rid yourself of negativity, joy multiplies, peace rises to the surface and your happiness is restored. It's your life - and you are worth EVERY ounce of effort you put forth to keep it healthy. Here's to a great year!